Monday, April 23, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
All you need is love
I knew my brains would return to me once pregnancy was in the past. And I feel that they have for the most part. I just have lack of sleep working against me now and that might be worse? I'm pretty much zombie status, and that's not cute. The little lad likes to eat every 2hours and he pretty much sticks to that all day and night. Emmy ate a lot in the day and slept like a dream at night when she was a wee babe, so this is relatively new to me. Im trying to handle this sleep deprivation gracefully but when 7:00pm hits, the boy wants to eat again and the girl is still refusing to eat her dinner and whining for cookies and fruit snacks yes, ive created a monster. I'm well aware all I want to do it take a hot bubble bath, and sleep for 12hours straight. Well obviously sleep is out of the question...but to really top it all off...after labor, my doctor typically bans you from taking baths among other things for 6 weeks. -insert unimpressed face- doc and i had a little chat about that and i was granted special permission to only wait 2 weeks, which I shall celebrate in just 2 days. Yes, saturday will be a good day. Bubble baths soothe my soul. Sweet husband however, wishes desperately that I was granted special permission to proceed with activities on the "among other things" might be a long 4 weeks for him.
Overall, and despite loss of precious sleep, this 2 kid gig isn't so bad. The Beatles sure were spot on with "all you need is love". how true. It gets you through anything.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Day 1 with 2 littles all by my lonesome...success. Watched a movie, friends stopped by, lunch, good naps, played at the pool, play doh, dinner ready in the crock pot, house somewhat tidy...maybe I can do this!? Sweet husband was definitely missed, but I'm learning to do everyday tasks with one hand and that's a skill that should go on a resume. Both the pink one and the blue one were on their very best behavior, so maybe I should give tomorrow a go before I celebrate as I'm sure things won't always run so smoothly. Doubling my momma duties is exhausting. It will be a happy day when wee baby hippo (hudson eats a lot. He is a hungry hippo always, thus the nickname) sleeps through the night. Life with a toddler and a newborn is a delightfully tiring chaotic joy.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Hudson Gregory Nielsen
Friday, April 6, 2012
Visions of a sweet sleeping baby boy all snuggled close to me and that precious aroma of a freshly bathed newborn fill my noggin. I can't believe its nearly time for Hudson to arrive. I love him already.
Can't wait to meet our sweet little one tomorrow (or perhaps not-so-little, pray for me)
So. Ready.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Two days
TWO! That number is not at all large. I had my very last doctors appointment this morning...which actually turned out to be more of this afternoon after a ridiculously long wait, but since it was the last one for quite some time I didn't get overly flustered. In fact, I had great snacks which i stole from the moore's pantry (thank you dyanna) and I made some lovely new friends in the waiting room...none of which I know by name, but they cheered for me when it was my turn to go in and wished me well on my way out! How nice of them. Well, our sweet dude has dropped considerably, which I clearly knew on my own based on the added pressure to my lower organs and the excruciating bruised feeling in my pelvis region when I walk...or move at all for that matter. I am 50% effaced and still hangin in there at 1cm dilated. My doctor is pleased with the progress and we shall proceed with getting this show on the road starting Saturday morning!
I went to target this evening and put together TWO darling Easter baskets. A pink one, and a blue one. I hate the thought of missing out on a holiday and so the Easter bunny shall make a delivery to the hospital for my sweet babies to enjoy. Obviously Hudson will need help from Gregory and I when it comes to the chocolate portion of his basket, but it's no secret that I probably did that on purpose.
Off topic...I've become a borderline stage mom as of today. Greg's cousin set us up with her friend who runs a model/talent agency and wanted to meet with Emmerson. We went and learned about how the company runs, they got to meet Emmy and whatnot, and so now...we shall see. I don't know what will come of it quite yet, I will know more in a week or so.
Want to know the highlight of my days? Crushed ice in my drinking water and a hot bath with sea island cotton scent bubble bath. Off I go...
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Three days
Even writing that title had me nearly peeing my pants. happens. Common causes include extreme excitement (taylor swift concert) uncontrollable laughter, and the small human viciously attacking my bladder. That, or a sneeze. Don't judge. This time I was overcome with slight fear and anxiety. What if round two doesn't run as smoothly as round one? That thought is terrifying.
Enough about that...
Gregory took emmerson and I out on a date tonight...not because he is sentimental and trying to make these last few days with just the little gal count, but because he had coupons for two free burgers at islands...and we all know what a sucker he is for a good deal, let alone free food. Regardless of his motivation, I thoroughly enjoyed our night out together. I consider dinner at a restaurant with our high energy child a success when we don't have to pull out the iPad for any reason. Sad, perhaps...but that device saves lives. Or maybe just sanity. It is my saving grace and I truly believe that I can get through any 2 year old mishaps if that precious gem is tucked away in my purse. Though we didn't resort to good ol modern technology this evening, I still stand firm in my belief that every human in tarnation should own an iPad.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
four days.
My morning started off with Emmy spilling an entire cup full of apple juice all over me and the couch. She of course, managed to stay perfectly dry during the incident. That whole "don't cry over spilled milk" quote was definitely not applied on my part. She on the other hand, handled the situation like a champ. hugs followed by "it's okay momma." I'm blessed to have such an understanding little nugget. Not all 2.5 year olds would catch on to the fact that mommy pleads temporary insanity. I'll celebrate the day that I get my brains back in order. Hopefully this will be the case sooner than later...We have company coming next month and I'd like them to leave with the desire to return again one day.
on another note, you all remember our darling , forgetful, highly confused grandpa, yes? well feast your eyes on this photo captured by greg's uncle matthew...

that's him sitting in his trusty chair in his man cave. gloves on his lap, headphones around his neck with no music playing, going in for a close shave....with the tv remote. that's right. he is definitely rubbing his stubble with the remote control fully thinking that his face is being shaved. bless his heart.
on another note, you all remember our darling , forgetful, highly confused grandpa, yes? well feast your eyes on this photo captured by greg's uncle matthew...

that's him sitting in his trusty chair in his man cave. gloves on his lap, headphones around his neck with no music playing, going in for a close shave....with the tv remote. that's right. he is definitely rubbing his stubble with the remote control fully thinking that his face is being shaved. bless his heart.
Monday, April 2, 2012
five days.
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