Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So long sweet surf

I blame my absence on my iPad. I don't love blogging without visuals and I tend to favor this trusty portable creation of technology over our iMac these days, which just so happens to be the keeper of our extensive photo library. I'll just have to buckle down and make that dreadful trek from the couch to the "office" (approx. 5.2 feet) and fulfill my duties of photo updates. Another day. We have been keeping busy with nothing in particular, funny how that happens. My sweet husband has been home from work for a good portion of the last two weeks due to an injury involving the ocean, his board, and his previously damaged shoulder. He has had surgery on said shoulder twice and was advised to avoid the waves. Perhaps Gregory John has learned his lesson this time? Falling wrong on his board recently landed him with a dislocated shoulder. He struggled slightly to make it in to shore one-armed, consumed by the pain of his dangling limb, but managed. Once on the sand, he tried maneuvering it back into place. You can probably imagine the difficulty of this action while sporting a wetsuit. He then spotted a fellow surfer walking the beach and called him over to (hopefully) help the situation. The ocean gods were on sweet husbands side that day when our random surfer friend just so happened to be an orthopedic surgeon - perhaps the only human of our species to be able to skillfully, not to mention legally return Gregory's shoulder back into its socket. Luck. And relief. And serious savings of potentially pricey medical bills. It worked out nicely, and my love is now on the mend.