Monday, April 18, 2011

nikki's book club.

my sweet husband once had a crush on jennifer lopez. i don't think it fully went away because he now watches american idol with me. he makes comments about her appearance. comments like "i really like when her hair is down and full of body!" full of body!?!?!? who are you? sweet husband also has a crush on catherine zeta jones, which makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit for some reason, and his biggest crush aside from me would probably be on jessica alba. i'm completely understanding when it comes to jessica alba, she's smokin hot. in fact, i think i just added her to my celebrity crush list. right up there with david beckham.

i just read a book. hold the applause. not an intellectual book by any means. it is called "are you there vodka? it's me, chelsea" by chelsea handler, who by the way i found to be quite obnoxious until i read her words. change of heart. she had me in hysterics and although the language was inappropriate, and come to think of it the majority of the topics were also slightly inappropriate, i found it to be ever so amusing. if you're in the mood for a humorous read with questionable content, look no further my friends.

and on that note, i leave you with a picture from gregory's phone that made my day.

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