Monday, June 29, 2009

just don't expect to get your bloody black backpack back.

loves of my life, it has been a whole week. UPDATES:

baby beckett was born and he is the most precious child i have ever layed eyes on.

school is in session and i cannot even stress how awkward i feel walking around palomar college campus PREGNANT. all these itty bitty teeny boppers with their little clothing shoot me looks and i don't even love it. maybe i need a bigger ring? (haha kidding, greg)

side note: greg bought me a new backpack and surprised me with it before the first day of school. what a gem. i'll keep him forever.

4th of july is a big deal to us nielsens. we dress in red white and blue, take many pictures, have a wonderful breakfast, and spend the day in the sun surrounded by beach....or at a pool. can't beat it, not to mention SHELL will be home! :)

the del mar fair is here and it is as wonderful as always. we have tickets to go back and that sounds like a mighty fine plan. i need more cotton candy in my life.

we had an ultrasound a few days ago, and sweet emmy is growing well. she wouldn't show us her profile, so we're still not sure how good looking she is....but everything else looks great so far!


Logan and Michelle said...


Jess said...

Your so amazing!!! JUST GIVE THOSE LIL BUGGERS rude looks back haha. Just kidding, probably the funniest thing you can see in the whole world is a pregnant lady picking a fight with someone. BEEN THERE, SEEN THAT! My ex sister in law was totally prego and totally was cussin and pushin this other cheeeeka it was sooooooo funny!!! BAH DON"T EVER DO THAT!

P.S. update my blog thingy... it has been changed.. it is


Josh Blakeney said...

how could she not be beautiful tho, really?