Saturday, June 13, 2009

free 99.

the other day i had a craving for a side salad from jack in the box. i thought i would honor my first healthy off i went. of course once i got there an enticing picture of a taco made a big impression on a salad and 2 tacos it ended up being. (oh jack in the box have created a new addiction in my life) ANYHOW, i drive up, with my debit card out ready to go. the guy hands me my bag. and then says...

"have a nice day"

ummmmm. do i pay? do i say something about paying? nope. i smiled said thank you, and drove off. 

thanks for the free meal jack in the box. i owe ya one.

was that bad?

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Welllll...your Dad says, "She wasn't brought up that way"... but we still love you!:-) I'm sure you'll find an act of kindness to balance out your good fortune, and keep having those healthy cravings! xoxox