Sunday, April 26, 2009

our long, but lovely history

can you even believe that one year ago on this very day, gregory john and i got MARRIED?? i can't. time flies. well i thought you may enjoy a brief history (and i mean very brief considering the boy and i were pretty much together for 2 years before we got hitched) so here it goes...happy anniversary to us!

it all started with the padres. notice we aren't even standing next to one another here? well this was the first time we really hung out, and lets just say his arm was around me by the end of the night! :) good times....good times.

here, i guess you could say we were friends....with benefits. haha no but really, it was on again off agin for MUCH longer than it should have been. 

this was before i "moved" back to canada. our relationship had progressed and it was hard to leave that sweet face.

as you probably guessed...i came back...we made it in boyfriend/girlfriend status...we took a trip to utah for a wedding and this is the day he told me he loved me.

we spent a lot of time together...we even started to dress alike.

and then he asked me to marry him in the cold canadian snow. it was perfection.
we took cute engagement pictures.

and we had fun being silly kids in love.

then, on april 26th 2008, we got married.

we have been living happily ever after since, and i am now pregnant with his child. 

to be continued....


Ashleigh Tanner said...

I just love the two of you OH so very much!

Ps. I LOVE the last picture of you that chocolate in your hand Nikkikins?

Julia said...

thank heavens there was a picture of your belly in there. i was beginning to get frustrated not seeing progress.

side note: i think you guys should come visit us up here in the cold canadian snow...we'll without the snow. you know how nice our summers can be. dooooooo it!

Kristi Drennan said...

Oh woman how I love you so! And your belly is sooo cute!

Ashley said...

What a cute history, with a very cute picture of you and your belly!! Love it!
Happy Anniversary!! (yesterday)

Ashley said...

hooray for you two lovers! we are glad you are a couple and that we get to play with you all the time!

patti said...

Nikki- That was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. You should write a book- oh wait you are. I can't wait to see what's next!!

Calee said...

What a sweet post! Happy belated anniversary you two!

I love how happy you guys are. So cute. And your belly is adorable.

Love love love.