Wednesday, January 28, 2009


so, often times i find myself stripped down to my unmentionables in the morning. i usually start my slumber with sweatpants, a t-shirt, and socks if it's REALLY cold. i wake up with none of these items. the socks are always gone, always have been, but lately the rest has gone along with it. weird. sometimes i remember my middle of the night rush to get the clothes off my body, but most mornings i just wake up that way. i worry that there will be a fire, or some reason for us to have to rush outside in the middle of the night, and i am left pajama-less. i just cant keep my clothes on, and i don't know how to fix it.


Arica said...

well you can try wearing less intense pj's. thinner pants, shorts even. or keep a robe hanging close by (that's what we do, we do that because we have to take bird out at random times in the night)..and worst case scenario, running out in your undies probably isn't the worst thing.. at least they're pretty cover-some.

Ashley said...

I love that it is hard for you to keep your clothes on! Too funny!
I dont do it that often, but I have ended up the same way, I have no solution, but you are not alone!

Jess said...

HAHAHAHA! Cloths are over rated. Loves!

Julia said...

i just start with nothing, so it can't get worse.
i think you;re ok for now, it will be bad when you not only undress yourself in your sleep, but your loving hubby too!

Calee said...

Hahahahahaha!! Oooh this post gave me such joy :) Thank you.

The good news: I doubt your husband minds.

The end.