Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween

happy halloween..trick or treat... and stuff! honestly? i'm ready to move on. I LOVE holidays...and halloween is no exception...we just did so much halloween stuff this weekend that i feel like it's dragging on. and on and on.

this morning i learned the real importance of the "trap door" in one-piece footy pajamas. mine don't have a trap door. i didn't think it was completely necessary to have one. WRONGO. i had no idea how FREEZING COLD it would be to have to nearly undress completely just to pee in the morning. not to mention the fact that the little male human in my gut prefers my bladder as a pillow causing me to frequent the bathroom more than normal. in the middle of the night. when it's extra cold. my next footy jammies will have a trap door.

grandpa is looking for a wife now. preferably one who doesn't mind that he wont remember her name.

emmerson's favorite toys are currently my little pony. they keep her entertained long enough for me to get things done. she walks them around and talks to them and makes farting noises followed by "he pooped it!" yep, still scarred from the elephant video...and probably a little of greg's influence in there too...

we've narrowed our boy name selection down to two. naming a boy is hard for us. i have been shopping a couple of times for the little nugget and his wardrobe is coming along nicely! i just can't wait to snuggle him.

and tomorrow....on to all things christmas! hooray!!!

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