Thursday, October 20, 2011


gregory and emmerson were sitting at the computer watching animal videos on youtube. greg clicked on an elephant video, which just so happened to be an elephant birth. before he could click away the baby elephant dropped along with a gush that has engrained a rather unpleasant image in my brain forever. sweet emmerson was perplexed. "wassat?" i pretended it was no big deal "that was a baby elephant!" emmy flashes a look of concern and replies "he pooped it!". clearly she doesn't miss a thing. smart cookie. we asked her if she wanted to watch a different video. she looked at us sweetly "no elephants." perhaps we wont have to renew those zoo memberships after all!

1 comment:

Ashleigh Tanner said...

Oh. ,My. GOSH!!! Hilarious! Nothing gets by sweet Emmy!!