Tuesday, November 9, 2010

it's beginning.

i was going to try extra hard this year to hold the christmas cheer until after thanksgiving. i can't do it. i am physically and mentally incapable and i'm not even sure why i set such impossible goals for myself. not only did i bust out the christmas tunes today, but i think i may just decorate this weekend and i have two valid reasons for doing so. one. we are leaving for ohhhhh canadaaaa on dec. 19th, so i need to start early this year to be able to enjoy my decorations for a good solid month, and two. because a little human who appreciates pretty lights and sparkly things has taken over my life and i can' t be holding back on something that brings great joy to both of our souls.

seriously though, Emmerson is embracing holidays like a champ. she was so excited about pumpkins (or "pumpools" in her words) at halloween, thought costumes were great and loved being able to eat her trick-or-treating loot. Now for Lights, christmas music, hot chocolate, snowmen and mr claus!! she will be thrilled about the festivites that consume our lives during the holiday season. this is one part of me she has inherited.

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