Saturday, June 12, 2010

needed: sleep...and deep fried goods.

i can't sleep. it's been awhile since i had this issue. pregnancy ruined my sleeping habits, but it was easy to get back on track once the little human was extracted from my gut, greatly improving the comfort level... not to mention tending to the needs of an infant. it's exhausting, and sleep is treasured. don't get me wrong, chasing a crawler is tiring as well, but...tonight....i. can't. sleep.
after a useless amount of tossing, turning and trying to turn my brain off, i wondered out into our dark living room and saw an unusual amount of light pouring into our sliding glass doors, which brought a smile to my face once i realized what it was...

the fair.

ohhhhhh the fair. the delicious fair. hot sun, crowds, the ferris wheel, hypnotist shows...and very best of all, the food. my taste buds have been craving the sweet sweet grease saturated treats for a solid year now. this year i hear they have deep fried butter. ummm, yes please. my heart practically stops just thinking about it, but i have to have it in my life. don't judge. i live for fair food....among other things :)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

We have to come visit at Fair time. "Deep-fried butter?"... LOL (I think your Dad might go for that) ;-)