lets not forget he actually lost on the price is right, (otherwise there would be a jacuzzi on my balcony) so i don't know why that information was crucial in guessing so closely, but now sweet husband thinks pretty highly of himself, and his sweet skills.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
guessing games.
we went to the grocery store to pick up a few items. as we were unloading our goods at the checkout, sweet husband carefully prices each item in his head. he looks at me with confidence and says "it'll be about $31.50." i barely pay attention to his guessing games anymore. he does it every single time, and it gets old. although he is usually pretty close in his estimating...i'm just no longer amused. Our vons checkout man rings up our things..."that'll be $31.46" Gregory looks at me with wide eyes, and then to the vons checkout man. his excitement is humorous to me at this point. vons checkout man is confused. greg clears thing up by announcing "I GUESSED IT WOULD BE $31.50!!!" and then nonchalantly adds "i was on the price is right..."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
last week we made it to the fair!
emmerson's first bus ride...
we took her on some kiddie rides....
we ate delicious food...
(yes, that is grease pouring out of the container)
...and we nearly died.
i had intentions of sharing full details of our after fair adventures, which included many rides on the porcelain bus...but that would likely be more information about sweet husband and i then you ever cared to know...so i will spare you.
goodbye beloved fair for another year. it was good. real good.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
midnight madness.
a couple of nights ago i woke up on all fours with my arms wrapped around sweet husbands legs in a panic. "EMMY IS GOING TO FALL OUT OF BED!!!" is what came out of my mouth. i awoke immediately following those words. Greg was already awake and confused. i couldn't pretend like nothing happened. he laughed and asked if i had lost my mind. apparently i did for a moment and for some reason i was super embarrassed about it. it's usually him that pulls these silly stunts in the middle of the night...and then i blog about it. thats just how we work.
well the next night he sat straight up and started feeling around the bed like he had lost something! i said "uhh greg, whatcha doin?" he looked worried and said "there's an oil spill!! emmy is falling out of bed!!! don't let her fall okay??" i told him i would take good care of her. he got a rather pleased look on his face, patted my head, then laid back down and continued his sleep.
his weirdness is rubbing off on me, but he still takes the cake in that department.
stay tuned for last night's fair adventures...(and after the fair adventures)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
needed: sleep...and deep fried goods.
i can't sleep. it's been awhile since i had this issue. pregnancy ruined my sleeping habits, but it was easy to get back on track once the little human was extracted from my gut, greatly improving the comfort level... not to mention tending to the needs of an infant. it's exhausting, and sleep is treasured. don't get me wrong, chasing a crawler is tiring as well, but...tonight....i. can't. sleep.
after a useless amount of tossing, turning and trying to turn my brain off, i wondered out into our dark living room and saw an unusual amount of light pouring into our sliding glass doors, which brought a smile to my face once i realized what it was...
the fair.
ohhhhhh the fair. the delicious fair. hot sun, crowds, the ferris wheel, hypnotist shows...and very best of all, the food. my taste buds have been craving the sweet sweet grease saturated treats for a solid year now. this year i hear they have deep fried butter. ummm, yes please. my heart practically stops just thinking about it, but i have to have it in my life. don't judge. i live for fair food....among other things :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
dinner date
Thursday, June 3, 2010
tall slice of bread.
some of our conversation driving home from escondido today...
greg: "what do ya think, shorty?"
me: "i'm not even close to short."
greg: "you're right. you're my tall slice of bread."
me: "you mean tall glass of milk?" or "tall glass of water?"
greg: "oh yeah."
hahaha i love his brain.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
three's a charm.
i am an only child and that worked well for me growing up. now i am married to a lovely hunk of a man who has siblings and i cannot tell you how much i love having sisters. stephanie ellen and i have been able to spend quality time together lately and i have enjoyed it quite a bunch.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
memorial day weekend
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