Sunday, September 13, 2009

my weekend was probably better than your weekend.

i feel this journey of mine to getting legal in the united states of america is finally going somewhere. today we will meet with a dear lawyer friend from church to get everything in order and hopefully all paperwork will be sent in this week sometime. (fingers crossed) if everything goes as planned...i will be approved for permanent residency and i get to go HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! (and return back here afterwards, which i guess is the big issue at this time) ....i guess if i DON'T get approved i will be deported and heading home for 3 YEARS (husband will be devastated) either way home is in my near future! right now i just dream of my wonderful family and snow angels and and lovely hughes family celebrations for the holidays with gregory john and baby emmy. is that too much to ask?

today is sister shell's birthday!! she is finally 20 years old, which makes Logan look like much less of a cradle-robber. haha happy birthday shell!!! i love you and it was so great to see you this weekend! we spent all day yesterday at lawrence welk resort playing in the pool...and on the water slide (thats right "women who are pregnant should not go on the water slide" signs don't phase me!! due in 6 weeks and riding the slide like a champ!) then we went out for dinner. the day was swell.

speaking of the weekend, i went to my first high school football game on friday night. this was my first, mainly because football wasn't an option at my high school. we ... no football. i can honestly say i didn't pay much attention, but i liked the overall experience...and Hunter Moore is a stud. i think i have a crush on him.

i hope all you lovers had a lovely weekend!


Andrew and Emily said...


The Jayroes said...

you're so cute! love the little funny and cute ways you say things. and i HOPE you get to go home.. make snow angels with husband and emmy... and COME BACK!