Friday, May 29, 2009

apple blossom

in the little town that i still refer to as home, apple blossom is celebrated this time of year. it is a festival-ish type scene consisting of a weekend filled with parades and princesses and fairs and music and everything you would imagine a cute small town celebration would be...except everyone is drunk....and high....and ohhhhh what a good time to be had. i look back with fond memories. happy apple blossom all you annapolis valley lovers!


Arica said...

oh fun! let's go sometime when we have little ones, and you're allowed to come back. (;

Emily said...

oh my I totally forgot it was Apple Blossom weekend..I have been hidden away in the library!! how embarrassing.

Julia said...

lovers and current valley reisdents?? hahahah
actually, that is no longer me. we moved. but we still love apple blossoms!