so you know those water park play areas where the water shoots up from the ground in a bunch of different places? we were talking about how great those are for little ones. gregory and michelle both agreed that they thoroughly enjoyed them when they were youngsters. gregory added "yeah i used to love to sit on those holes. water would shoot right up my butt like a catheter!" ...clearly he meant enema.
a few nights ago i told gregory i was going to make cookies, or something of that nature, and he looked me with pure joy in his eyes and said "you single my zest."
yeah, i don't even know?
i love reading the posts about Greg!! They are always so entertaining. He's a funny guy, Whether he intends to be or not!
LOL I'm DYING! You should really write a sitcom - love you guys xoxo
I also love the Greg posts... That guy's so funny!
Miss you guys...
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