Friday, September 10, 2010

one two buckle my shoe.

2 things.

first, yesterday was more proof that i'm slightly brain damaged, which i continue to blame on the small human in my life. my brain has not been the same since pregnancy. I stepped into the shower with my socks on. i poured the pouch of cheese into boiling water with the mac. i did a load of laundry only to realize that i failed to remember the soap therefore having to re-do the load, and to top things off i found the remote in the freezer. these are examples of what happens to me on a daily basis, yesterday was just extra special.


second, i love music...but i don't want to hear it when i click on your blog. i can't focus on reading what you have to say when your favorite tunes are blaring in the background, which leaves me forced to either locate the pause button or X out of your page....more often the latter. i. don't. like. it.


Ashley said...

i'm glad you posted about peoples' blog music. it drive me insane! i might still post about it later on, haha.

Ashley said...


Arica said...

i can't stand blog music either! i hear you there, big time.

Kristi Drennan said...

amen to the uber amen.

Alex Monroe said...

This is hilarious! And I fourth the blog music- hating motion. Seriously though.

Kristy said...

Dalan and I feel the same way about blog music. We had some and got sick of our own music. Enough said, we got rid of the blog music.