Friday, July 30, 2010

Mmm new car smell.

Sweet husband and i went shopping this afternoon, and he bought me THIS

a brand spankin new creamy white 2010 nissan rogue and i am in love.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


i have curly hair.
i straighten it always. sometimes i straighten it, and then i curl it with a curling iron to make it wavy.

i'm starting to feel like i'm wasting my life away.

i'm learning to accept that curly hair isn't a curse.
expect more curl in the near future.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

*clap! clap!*

my green card came in the mail!!!!! this long road to permanent resident status has finally come to an end. oh happy day!

sweet sister steph got hitched and i am so happy for the darling dunhams!
a sneak peek of her amazing wedding:

Friday, July 16, 2010

july 16th

i ate a cupcake and gummi bears for breakfast.

the sun is shining.

today is my birthday.

Monday, July 12, 2010

oh my my my

if sweet little boy and sweet little girl find themselves madly in love with each other one day, you can be sure to find this gem on the wedding invite...

photo: ashley smith

little sailor

Thursday, July 8, 2010

alien status

after nearly a year of paperwork and waiting, i am proud to announce that this immigration headache is coming to an end. gregory and i had an interview this morning to prove that we truly are lovers. the child helped. we passed, and so i will be receiving my green card in the mail within three weeks!! this means i can leave the country and return without issues! i can work! i can get pulled over for speeding and not get deported!! (jk i don't speed.) ohhh the possibilities!!!
a special thank you to my sweet parents for funding this awful process. and to the radical attorney from church who hooked me up with the filing process. i will forever be grateful.

goodbye alien status. i won't miss you a bit.

Friday, July 2, 2010

he makes me melt like a popsicle on the fourth of july.

shell is home to stay.

fourth of july celebrations.


love and marriage.



beach days.

summer is goooood.

ps. happy fourth, americans! listen to music. play with sidewalk chalk. eat a popsicle.